Intelligence Insight – Economic profiles for the ten Opportunity Bucks wards where people are experiencing the most hardship

To inform the work of Buckinghamshire Council’s Opportunity Bucks programme, Bucks LEP have produced a set of economic profiles for the ten wards of Buckinghamshire where people are experiencing the most hardship.

Each ward profile provides:

  • An overview of the local economy – including information on key businesses, employment hotspots, high growth firms and key employment sites.
  • A profile of residents – including demographics and labour market status.
  • Analysis of potential barriers to employment – including health, transport, caring responsibilities, English language proficiency, qualifications and childcare.

The ward profiles, along with a summary document, which identifies cross-cutting issues and where there are differences between the wards, can be accessed via the Buckinghamshire Economic Intelligence Observatory website and via the Bucks Data Exchange.

More information and analysis on the Buckinghamshire economy and labour market can be found on the Buckinghamshire Economic Intelligence Observatory.