Buckinghamshire Economic Recovery Plan
Buckinghamshire LEP are co-ordinating a Local Economic Recovery Plan for Buckinghamshire, this is forming part of a wider place-based recovery programme. The plan will build on the foundations of the Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) published in 2019, but will prioritise those issues which LIS did not address – especially how to restart the economy in a COVID-19 safe manner, in line with government guidance.
The plan will be based on three timescales
The Response Phase – providing immediate support for businesses directly affected by the Crisis.
The Renewal Phase – supporting businesses to adapt to the new conditions and capitalise on new opportunities brought about by the recent changes.
The Rebound Phase – identifying the main investments that will stimulate the Buckinghamshire economy to build back stronger and more resilient.
For further details of support being provided by our Growth Hub Team please visit https://bbf.uk.com/